Add SeekBar Inside Dialog Box If you haven`t yet watched the video, Watch it Now...! Open your Sketchware project.Add Dialog Box component. Go to the logic section & add the blocks which are necessary to create a dialog box. Now you have to make some modifications.In order to add SeekBar you have to use add source directly block.Add the following code inside it.Please watch the above video for reference final SeekBar cb1 = new SeekBar(MainActivity.this); LinearLayout.LayoutParams lpar = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); cb1.setLayoutParams(lpar); dialog.setView(cb1); Inside the block " dialog OK Button Clicked ", add the following code using add source directly block textview1.setText(String.valueOf(cb1.getProgress())); Thats It :) Now Run your Application ...